Home:ALL Converter>Qobject::connect: invalid null parameter when running Kate application in Linux Mint

Qobject::connect: invalid null parameter when running Kate application in Linux Mint

Ask Time:2016-11-13T17:27:36         Author:Gibs

Json Formatter

I am using Linux Mint Sarah and I am receiving this error whenever I use the command "kate file_name". I already updated my Kate and I believe it is already at its latest version.

QObject::connect: invalid null parameter
QObject::connect: invalid null parameter
QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::returnPressed() to KUrlRequester::returnPressed()
QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::returnPressed(QString) to KUrlRequester::returnPressed(QString)
Setting the name of  0x10e71d0  to  "org.kde.ActivityManager.ActivityTemplates"
Setting the name of  0x11130a0  to  "org.kde.ActivityManager.RunApplication"
Setting the name of  0x11019c0  to  "org.kde.ActivityManager.Resources.Scoring"
Creating directory:  "/root/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources/"
KActivities: Database connection:  "kactivities_db_resources_139836748884160_readwrite" 
    query_only:          QVariant(qlonglong, 0) 
    journal_mode:        QVariant(QString, "wal") 
    wal_autocheckpoint:  QVariant(qlonglong, 100) 
    synchronous:         QVariant(qlonglong, 1)
Service started, version: 7.0.0

Author:Gibs,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40572373/qobjectconnect-invalid-null-parameter-when-running-kate-application-in-linux
Michał Walenciak :

What you get here is a kde's developers mistake and they should fix it. These warnings should not affect you however, just ignore it.\n\nYou can try to fill a bug report at KDE Bugs page to let them now.",